Below are a selection of current websites I have been involved in. Please click on the + symbol to find out more about each example.

Mister Monkey +

Mister Monkey is a one-page responsive website designed in Photoshop and built using HTML5 and CSS3. It uses jQuery UI elements and jQuery plugins Waypoints and TweenLite to produce animated effects at fixed points as the user scrolls down the page. The website also utilises a bespoke full-page lightbox, which incorporates the third-party jQuery plugin FancyBox for easy navigation of images within the portfolio section.

SEC Service Parts +

SEC Service Parts is a responsive e-commerce website designed in Photoshop and built using HTML5, CSS3, SQL and ASP.NET (VB). It uses jQuery UI elements and jQuery plug-ins Zoom, Cycle 2 and vTicker, as well as plug-ins written, or customised, specifically for this project. It incorporates a bespoke shopping cart, and an integrated payment system provided by Secure Hosting, where, upon a successful transaction, a PDF invoice is created on the fly using iTextSharp on data callback. For the back-end, there is a comprehensive ASP.NET (VB) and SQL Server driven client area for managing orders, administering products and stock control.

AMK Photography +

AMK Photography is a responsive website designed in Photoshop and built using HTML5, CSS3, SQL and ASP.NET (VB). It uses jQuery plug-ins Cycle2 for the home page slideshow, as well as FancyBox to allow clients to view their photographs easily within a lightbox. A secure client area allows customers to log-in and purchase photographs through PayPal, where, upon a successful transaction, the customer can download their photographs as a ZIP file via the DotNetZip Library. For the back-end, there is an ASP.NET (VB) and SQL Server driven client area that facilitates the upload of multiple photographs, which, utilising the Drawing namespace in .NET, automatically resizes and adds a custom watermark to each image.

Ask A&E +

Ask A&E is a responsive website designed by Babylon and built using HTML5 and CSS for The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, in partnership with Babylon Health, to be accessible across a number of devices. The website is primarily for information about the Babylon A&E app, with access to a jQuery accordian effect FAQ page, which opens and closes questions on the click of a mouse, and GDPR content regarding the legal processing of user data. The website also provides buttons to sign-up for, or login to, the Ask A&E App.